Creative Schools Week 2023

Creative Schools Week 2023

To celebrate creative schools week 2023 students and teachers got involved in an array of creative activities! Creative dance Doodling Creating an art exhibition Drama Painting Free art And more! Art Exhibition Take a look at some of our fabulous creativity below. Can...

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After- School Clubs Term 3

Dear Parents, After-school activities will run for Term 3 and commence on the week beginning 24th April 2023 and will run for 8 weeks ending the week of 12th June 2023. We have drawn up a menu of paid after-school activities which are proposed for this term. These are...

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Substance Misuse presentation

Tusla are holding a parent information session on Substance Misuse. This event will include information on Vaping, Substances and Nitro oxide, which has been identified as an emerging concern for young children currently within the Dublin North area. From this concern...

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After-School Clubs Term 2- places still available

Dear Parents/Guardians, Registration for After-School Activities took place today. All after-school activities will run for Term 2 and commence next week 16th January 2023 and will run for 10 weeks ending the week of 27th March 2023.  There are still places...

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After-school clubs Term 2

Dear Parents, I wish to write to you in relation to After-School Activities in Scoil Chormaic CNS. All after-school activities will run for Term 2 and commence on the week beginning 16th January 2023 and will run for 10 weeks ending the week of 27th March 2023. The...

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Fantastic Book Fair

The fantastic Scholastic Book Fair returns to Scoil Chormaic on December 8th. This is a great opportunity for children and parents alike to stock up on their favourite book choices for the holiday season, or for any essential reading gifts. The book fair will run from...

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Urgent Traffic Management

Dear families, From tomorrow, Friday, November 25th, new parking restrictions will be in place on the campus. Please do not park in areas sectioned off or marked ‘no parking’. The traffic management situation on the school campus has reached a critical stage with...

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ASC- Youth Café changed to tomorrow Monday

Dear Parents/Guardians, Reminder that Youth Café will take place tomorrow, Monday, after school instead of Wednesday this week due to parent teacher meetings in the school hall. Collection time remains the same at 3.45pm. Kind regards, Ms King and Mr...

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Half day

Dear families, There will be a half day on Monday, November 28th, for essential staff training in the Primary Language Curriculum. Finish times for classes are: Spraoi: 12pm - Infants to 2nd:12.15pm - 3rd to 6th: 12.30pm.

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Diwali 2022

As part of our multi-belief calendar we learned about Diwali- the festival of light. Some of our learning activities included; Making lanternsCreating colourful Rangoli patterns on paper and pavementExploring and experimenting with henna Learning about the...

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Notice Board

Homework Review Questionnaire

Dear parents,  

We value your opinion and would love your say!

 We are conducting a review of homework in the school at present. We want the perspectives of staff, pupils, and parents. The idea of this questionnaire is to collect the views of parents on this important topic. Please fill out the following survey: