First Holy Communion 2020

Thinking of all the boys and girls due to make their First Holy Communion this Saturday 23rd of May. Saturday 23rd of May was set to be your First Holy Communion Day, Together, while staying apart we can pray, and ask God to keep us safe in every way. Soon, you will...

Intercultural Day 2020

Dear families, Intercultural Day 2020 was due to take place on Friday 22nd May. As we are not at school to celebrate we have asked our pupils and families to engage in a different way this year. Teachers have been in touch on Seesaw to ask pupils and families to...

Multilingual Storytelling Project

One of our amazing families have been working on a project with Fingal Libraries called Multilingual Storytelling. Also, they have asked other families to join in the fun and read their stories too which has been really successful. They have already created some...