Active School Flag Information
Scoil Chormaic CNS are currently working towards attaining our first Active School Flag!
What is the Active School Flag?
The Active School Flag is a Department of Education and Skills initiative supported by Healthy Ireland. The Active School Flag is awarded to schools that strive to achieve a physically educated and physically active school community. The process aims to get more schools, more active, more often. Our challenge will be to find interesting and exciting ways to energize the school day because active children are happy learners!
Please keep an eye on the website for updates on how we have been getting active in school! Also, we know that parents have some brilliant ideas on how we could increase physical activity levels of our children. There will be a suggestion box located at the main office in the school soon if you would like to share your ideas with us!
Our Active School Flag Committee
Our ASF Committee 2018/2019 is made up of teachers and students. We have brilliant students that were elected from each class level:
Mr Mc Elligott, Mr Garvey, Ms Kavanagh, Ms O’ Brien – Teachers
Lily – Junior Infants
Kian – Senior Infants
Axel – 1st Class
Maks – 2nd Class
Lucia – 3rd Class
John – 4th Class
Duchess – 5th Class
Fremid & Selassi – 6th Class
For the 2019/2020 school year, James and Hanson from 6th class have been added to our committee.
Our first job was to have a poster competition in the school to come up with an Active School Flag Slogan that we would have for our whole school to remember and follow for the year! We had a brilliant response with hundreds of entries and we had some really catchy mottos! We had a winner from each class level and then we had an overall winner! Congratulations to our overall winner Jada from 3rd Class who came up with such an outstanding slogan and a beautifully designed poster! Jada’s slogan is:
“Help yourself with exercise and keep yourself energized!”
Active School Flag Survey
In early January 2019 our Active School Flag Committee carried out a survey in all of our classes to find out the following:
- How many children and teachers are part of a sports/physical activity club outside of school?
- What types of clubs the children are part of?
- How do the children normally travel to school?
The results were very interesting and helped us to identify what activities we could try to implement more of during school time and also some ways that we can help and encourage our children to walk or cycle to school. In fact the results led to us making a big effort in promoting and facilitating the Fresh Air Friday initiative in Balbriggan on February 15th! Take a look at the results of our survey below.
Notice Board
Homework Review Questionnaire
Dear parents,
We value your opinion and would love your say!
We are conducting a review of homework in the school at present. We want the perspectives of staff, pupils, and parents. The idea of this questionnaire is to collect the views of parents on this important topic. Please fill out the following survey: