Parent Guardian Teacher Association

Parent Guardian Teacher AssociationWe had a very successful AGM PGTA on 28th September and we were thrilled with the amount of parents that attended! We are delighted to inform you that we have a newly elected chairperson, secretary and treasurer of Parent Guardian...

Internet Safety for Parents

Dear parents, Next Tuesday, October 4th, the school will give a presentation on Internet Safety for Parents. The presentation will start at 6.30pm and will be held online on Microsoft Teams (more information about Microsoft Teams below). It will last approximately 45...

GMGY: Autumn Equinox in Scoil Chormaic

As part of our multi-belief calendar we learned about the Autumn Equinox which occurred on the 23rd of September 2022. Did you know that during the Autumn Equinox we experience an equal amount of daylight and night? Throughout history this was a significant time for...

After-School Clubs commence this week

Dear parents/guardians, After-school clubs commence this week for 10 weeks. Please ensure your child is collected at 3.45pm sharp. There are still some places available if you wish to sign your child up to one of our clubs. Kind regards, Ms...

After-School Clubs Term 1

Dear Parents, We are delighted to inform you that we are commencing After-School Clubs for Term 1 on the week beginning 26th September. All after-school activities will run for 10 weeks ending the week of 5th December. The list of after-school clubs available this...