Intercultural Week 23rd – 27th May

4th May 2022 

Dear Parents / Guardians, 

We will be celebrating Intercultural Week from 23rd – 27th May and we would like to take this opportunity to reconnect with our families now that all restrictions have been lifted and invite parents / guardians to take part in events throughout the week. 

There will be a number of events running throughout the week which parents / guardians can be involved in;

  • Parents / Guardians are invited to visit their child’s classroom or make a video which can be shared with the class teacher to
  • teach about an important part of your culture
  • teach a traditional game
  • share an art lesson
  • share how to make a traditional meal
  • read a story in another language

Please contact your child’s class teacher using the Dojo app if you are available to visit or send a video.

  • On Thursday 26th May, parents will be invited to visit their child’s classroom to see artwork and / or projects that the pupils made as part of their learning for Intercultural Week.  

Junior & Senior Infants 13:00 – 13:30

1st – 3rd Class: 13:30 – 14:00

4th – 6th Class: 14:00 – 14:30

  • We hope to run food stalls in the school hall for pupils to try food from different countries on Friday 27th May. The pupils will have an opportunity to visit the hall throughout the school day and try different foods. In order to run this event, we are relying on the support of the families in our school. If you are available to be involved in running a stall or to make food items to donate to a stall, please let your child’s class teacher know by Dojo. Please note that food should not contain nuts and we ask you to include a list of ingredients with the food items. Hopefully we will have a great response and will be able to go ahead with this event! 

We look forward to a great Intercultural Week and thank you in advance for your support in making it a fun and exciting learning experience for the pupils. 

Yours Sincerely,

The Staff of Scoil Chormaic CNS

Notice Board

Homework Review Questionnaire

Dear parents,  

We value your opinion and would love your say!

 We are conducting a review of homework in the school at present. We want the perspectives of staff, pupils, and parents. The idea of this questionnaire is to collect the views of parents on this important topic. Please fill out the following survey: