Incredible Edibles-Ms. Yeates’ First Class project!

Ms. Yeates’ First class are participating in the Incredible Edibles project for primary schools. As part of this project, we have been studying all about where our foods are grown, and where they come from.  We have been looking at Irish produce and how they come from farm to fork. We have written to a local farmer to see if he could show us how he grows his produce.  We have been examining our lunch and what foods we have in our lunchboxes and where they came from.  We identified the nutritional value of these foods and discovered why we should buy locally to support our country and our local farmers.  We compiled a list of processed and unprocessed foods and discussed the differences of these foods.  We then voted and chose to learn more about strawberries!   We studied the life cycle of a strawberry, where they grow and how they arrive on our plates.  We then designed posters and wrote stories about this process.

Next we had a zoom call from Farmer Chris from Balscadden. He spoke to the children about his family farm, his working day, and the produce that he grows. The children compiled a list of questions for him to help with their project.  The children and their parents also identified any foods in their shopping that had the Bord Bia quality mark on them, and spoke about why it is important to buy Irish grown produce.  The children then wrote an account of their visit to the shopping centre and local Sunday market stating what they bought, and they created posters too! We are having so much fun with our new project and we cant wait until after the midterm break when our seeds will be arriving from Agri Aware’s Incredible Edibles, and task 3 will be starting!

Below are photos of the children completing the components of Task 1 and Task 2:

David O, Balin, Lacie, and Carole making posters about Food from Farm to Fork.
Lacie wrote an account of how she went to Supervalue and bought 2kg of Irish Roosters that cost 2 Euro and 50cent.
Mikey asking farmer Chris “Do you have animals on your farm”.
Cindy identifying Irish organic Eggs.

Notice Board

Homework Review Questionnaire

Dear parents,  

We value your opinion and would love your say!

 We are conducting a review of homework in the school at present. We want the perspectives of staff, pupils, and parents. The idea of this questionnaire is to collect the views of parents on this important topic. Please fill out the following survey: