Super September in Room 1!

The Junior Infants in Room 1 have finished their first month of school and wow- what a month it has been! Between learning new rules and routines, making new friends, starting our literacy and numeracy stations and learning all about the Home, we sure have been busy in Room 1.

Our theme for our learning this month has been ‘The Home’ and ‘Myself.’ This theme involved learning about different types of home, different types of rooms, the many activities we do in a home and all of the different family members that belong in a home. Check out these pictures of our play and our learning.

We have also begun station work for Literacy. During these stations, we are developing key skills which help us learn to read and write. We have spent the month learning nursery rhymes, developing our vocabulary, mark-making, counting the words in a sentence and listening to stories. It is a lot to take in but we have had do much fun doing it.

We have also worked really hard with Mathematics, doing lots of activities around colour and around sorting. Check out our colourful art in response to Elmer the Elephant as well as some of our sorting skills in the pictures.

This year, we are so lucky to have extra PE and time outside. Look at us in the PE hall, on the school’s new Active Walkway and mark-making with chalk.

Overall, the Junior Infants have really settled right into Scoil Chormaic and have come so far in just a few short weeks. With a new theme coming this October, more exciting times are certainly in store for us.

Notice Board

Homework Review Questionnaire

Dear parents,  

We value your opinion and would love your say!

 We are conducting a review of homework in the school at present. We want the perspectives of staff, pupils, and parents. The idea of this questionnaire is to collect the views of parents on this important topic. Please fill out the following survey: