Dear parents,
Thank you so much for the very positive response to the wearing of masks in 3rd to 6th classes. This is a vital public health measure that protects not only your child but all their friends in the class and the staff working in the room. It is very close to the Christmas school holidays, so it is important for all members of the school community to stay safe in the run up to the end of term next week.
We remind you that it is a Government requirement for pupils in 3rd to 6th classes to wear masks at school up until the February midterm break. We strongly urge you now to follow this advice to protect the health and safety of your child and the wider school community.
Remember, the children take regular breaks from their masks; they do not wear them outdoors or for PE; and they do not have to wear them while eating their lunch at their desks or taking a drink during class.
Please also remind your children, that if they have their mask in their school bag, to take it out when they get to school and put it on.
Please remember, the wearing of a face mask/covering does not negate the vital message that children who have symptoms should not attend school.