Winter Break Arrangements

Dear families,

I hope you are keeping well and safe. I am writing to you regarding arrangements for the upcoming Winter Break/Christmas.

Unfortunately, this year, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, we cannot go ahead with many of the practices, customs and events that usually take place at this time of year. The safety of the school community must come first, as I know you appreciate.

So for the Winter Break/Christmas this year, we are applying the following arrangements:

  • No Christmas cards or gifts should be brought to school and exchanged between pupils;
  • No Christmas cards or gifts should be brought to school for teachers or other members of staff;
  • No sweets or chocolates, etc, should be brought to school for sharing or exchange among pupils;
  • Our Winter assembly cannot go ahead in our school hall this year;
  • No school choir events can take place.

The following exciting events will take place:

  • The last day of school (December 22nd) will be a non-uniform day;
  • On December 17th, the Balbriggan Community Garda’s Santa will visit classes from infants to second in an outdoor, socially distanced setting. (There will be no gifts or opportunities to shake hands, etc, with Santa.) There is an opt-out option on this and full details will be sent by the class teachers taking part via Class Dojo at a later time;
  • A DDLETB online show called ‘Winter Connect’ will be streamed live into all of our classrooms;
  • The Winter Assembly performances will be shown in classrooms on Dec 17th & 18th;
  • Watch out for an online collection of winter songs and performances from our classes!

Home time arrangements for Dec 22nd:

  • In order to allow for social distancing on Dec 22nd, the dismissal times for the class groups will be staggered. Pupils will finish at the following times:
  • Spraoi Classes 11:30am
  • Junior & Senior Infants 12pm
  • 1st & 2nd Classes 12.10pm
  • 3rd & 4th Classes 12.20pm
  • 5th & 6th Classes 12.30pm

I wish you well over the break, and hope you continue to stay safe and healthy. Thank you for your continued support for the school in these challenging times and we all look forward to normal arrangements resuming in the very near future.

Kind regards,
Deirdre Corcoran,

Notice Board

Homework Review Questionnaire

Dear parents,  

We value your opinion and would love your say!

 We are conducting a review of homework in the school at present. We want the perspectives of staff, pupils, and parents. The idea of this questionnaire is to collect the views of parents on this important topic. Please fill out the following survey: