September and October in Ms Bell’s Senior Infants

We have had a very fun and enjoyable start to the school year. Although it was a little different than usual the children settled in very well. They were so excited and happy to be reunited with their class mates 😀 In September we learned all about ‘Myself and...

Maths Week in 1st class.

Between the 12th and 16th of October we celebrated maths week. We had so much fun engaging in maths with different activities both inside and outside. The children engaged in colour by number activites when doing addition and subtraction. It was very exciting! We also...

National Lámh Day in Ms Bell’s Senior Infants

Today was National Lámh Day. We celebrated by learning ‘Old Mac Donald’ as we had been learning all about the farm this month in Aistear. In the song the children can be seen signing the words: farm, cow, sheep, pig, horse. In our class we love using Lámh...

Maths Week in Ms Forde’s 4th Class

Maths Week was a huge success in Ms Forde’s 4th class. The children worked very hard on developing their skills as mathematicians but also had tremendous fun! On Monday we learned Fibonacci’s number sequence. He was a famous mathematician from the 12th...