Dept of Education letter to parents

Dear parents, Please see below a letter from the Department of Education regarding Antigen Testing in Primary Schools. DOE-Word-letterDownload

Covid-19 Update

29-November-letter-to-parentsDownload Dear parents, The document attached contains important updates on managing Covid-19 at school, including the introduction of Antigen Testing for pupils in pods deemed close contacts of positive cases.
Dress-Up Fundraiser for Balbriggan Soup Kitchen!

Dress-Up Fundraiser for Balbriggan Soup Kitchen!

The last day before mid-term, the school held a ‘Dress-Up Day’ to raise money for Balbriggan Soup Kitchen. We raised an amazing 662 euro which is enough to feed 700 people breakfast. Well done to all of the children for their fundraising efforts and...

Finding our feet in First Class!

The children in Mrs Yeates’s First class have been so busy exploring and learning for the past few months. They have organised and participated in a sponsored walk in which they raised €217.50 for Dublin Zoo, and have now adopted a baby penguin as part of their...

Another Successful Bag2School Collection!

A huge ‘thank you’ to all the famlies who donated clothes to our fundraiser this week. We raised €321.86 which will go directly to our fundraiser for playground equipment for Spraoi. Including the last Bag2School collection in June, we have collected 2.7...