Mrs. Kavanagh's 6th class had so much fun for Math's Week 2022. We Started off using trundle wheels to measure various distances around the school. We were very lucky that we were invited to Bremore ETSS . The Transition Year students brought 6th class on a math's...
Parent Guardian Teacher Association
Parent Guardian Teacher AssociationWe had a very successful AGM PGTA on 28th September and we were thrilled with the amount of parents that attended! We are delighted to inform you that we have a newly elected chairperson, secretary and treasurer of Parent Guardian...
GMGY: Autumn Equinox in Scoil Chormaic
As part of our multi-belief calendar we learned about the Autumn Equinox which occurred on the 23rd of September 2022. Did you know that during the Autumn Equinox we experience an equal amount of daylight and night? Throughout history this was a significant time for...
Intercultural Week 23rd – 27th May
4th May 2022 Dear Parents / Guardians, We will be celebrating Intercultural Week from 23rd – 27th May and we would like to take this opportunity to reconnect with our families now that all restrictions have been lifted and invite parents / guardians to...
Restorative Practice
Scoil Chormaic CNS is committed to the use of Restorative Practice which is all about building relationships through positive communication! All of us here in our school community are seeking to grow our practice all the time! We wanted to share some of...
After-School Clubs Term 3
Dear Parents/Guardians, We are delighted to inform you that we are recommencing After-School Clubs for Term 3. Registration will take place in the School Hall on Tuesday 26th April @ 2.45pm. The list of after-school clubs available this term can be accessed here:...
Incredible Edibles-Ms. Yeates’ First Class project!
Ms. Yeates’ First class are participating in the Incredible Edibles project for primary schools. As part of this project, we have been studying all about where our foods are grown, and where they come from. We have been looking at Irish produce and how they come...
New guidelines on Covid-19 symptoms and testing
Jan 7th 2022 Dear Parents/ Guardians, New guidelines have been released by the HSE in relation to Covid-19 symptoms and testing. This new advice is divided into different categories based on age. If your child develops symptoms of Covid-19 you should use antigen...
Another Successful Bag2School Collection!
A huge 'thank you' to all the famlies who donated clothes to our fundraiser this week. We raised €321.86 which will go directly to our fundraiser for playground equipment for Spraoi. Including the last Bag2School collection in June, we have collected 2.7 tonnes of...
Another Successful Bag2School Fundraiser!
A huge 'thank you' to all the families who donated clothes this week for our Bag2School fundraiser! We are thrilled to announce that we raised €321.86 which will go directly to our fundraiser for playground equipment for Spraoi. We have collected 2.7 tonnes of clothes...
Notice Board
Homework Review Questionnaire
Dear parents,
We value your opinion and would love your say!
We are conducting a review of homework in the school at present. We want the perspectives of staff, pupils, and parents. The idea of this questionnaire is to collect the views of parents on this important topic. Please fill out the following survey: