Art Competition Winners

Art Competition Winners

Mrs. Yeates’ Junior Infant class of 2020/21 were exploring the work of the American artist Wayne Thiebaud. Inspired by his art the children recreated a piece of American-themed and colourful art using pom-poms and pegs to print colourful Gumball...

Covid-19 at school update

Dear families, We hope you are keeping well. Covid-19 casesAs many of you are aware, there has been an increased incidence of Covid-19 positive cases in our school over the past week or so. If your child is Covid-19 positive or has been identified as a close contact,...

Another Bag2School Clothes Collection – November 2021

Our school is continuing our fundraising efforts for a swing set for our Special Classes. The clothes collection last year was very successful and we raised €790! From Monday 1st November – Thursday 4th November, we will run the clothes collection in the school...